Marcy Carlson

Marcia (Marcy) Carlson is Professor of Sociology (and Associate Director for Training at the Center for Demography and Ecology, and Affiliate at the Institute for Research on Poverty) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her primary research interests center on the links between family contexts and the wellbeing of children and parents. Her recent work is focused on fertility and family patterns among U.S. unmarried parents, with a particular eye toward growing family complexity and its implications for individual wellbeing and societal inequality.

Arthur Rolnick

Arthur J. Rolnick is senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and an associate economist with the Federal Open Market Committee. As a top official of the Federal Reserve Bank, Mr. Rolnick regularly attends meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee - the Federal Reserve's principal body responsible for establishing national money and credit policies.

Rolnick received a B.S. in Mathematics and a M.S. in Economics from Wayne State University, and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1973.

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